
I just received your book - what a great resource! Thank you. Some if the information is much easier to take when I'm not reading it on a computer screen (…) I am in the midst of writing brief document meant to lay out e-ething guidelines for metalsmiths. While this process is gaining popularity, I have noticed that individuals are almost exclusively using sodium chloride - something I would like to address and change by writing to the metalsmithing community directly. In the introduction I point people in the direction to your site and the link to you book, as you have more completely covered most of the subjects I want to cover. For general set-up, I would like to cite your work whenever necessary, such as describing how the electric field changes when using a cathode grid.
Benjamin Dory
Artist. USA. April 2014

I got the book a few days ago and thanks it is a very nice book BOOK OF THE YEAR 2013 I think.
Öle Larsen
Printer and art director of Ateljé Larsen. Sweden. January 2014

Yes we got your Electro book...and it is a wonderful achievement on your part and a great addition to the safer choices printmakers now have.  Thank you so much.
Keith Howard
Artist, etcher, graphic researcher. New York. USA. January 2014

You should be proud of your Handbook, I am sure it will encourage etchers to try electro-etching and it will become the "bible" - I use lower case out of respect!
Bob Perkin
Physicist, etcher. Chester. UK. December 2013

Congratulations! How wonderful that it has been published. I bought a copy through the link you sent me a while back and have read it a few times. I am in the process of trying to make my own little tank at home. With the help of your book I've got everything set up and am shortly going to try and etch a plate. I shall let you know how goes. Thank you again for being such a wonderful teacher -it has opened up a whole new line of enquiry for me.
Stephanie Gaumond
Artist, etcher. Glasgow. UK. December 2013

© Alfonso Crujera 2014